
Note: These are the final versions (pre-editing) of each article for consultation. The full reference of the Journal in which the papers have been published is listed below. For citation, it is customary to use the actual publication (when available) and not the final draft version – contact me for any question about this. Themes intertwine but here is a rough sorting of my academic writings.


Academic Conference and Seminars

A non-exhaustive list of papers I have presented or workshops I have facilitated at various conferences in recent years:

Imaginative storytelling to craft sustainable meaning in meaningful enterprises. Paper presented at the National Fair Trade Conference, Calgary AB, March 2020.

Finding one’s voice in the midst of complexity: Exploring dialogue through puppets. Participatory workshop delivered at the conference “Meeting Points: Imagination and Spaces for Social Change”, Ottawa ON, August 2019 (with Lauren Michelle Levesque, Saint Paul University).

Sorting out our inner chaos and its spillover: Voices, puppets, silences and smiles. Paper presented at the Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies Conference, Asheville NC, June 2019 (with Lauren Michelle Levesque, Saint Paul University).

Men, women, households and some magic: Tales of wisdom to improve inner and outer lives. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago IL, August 2018.

Unearthing gold from the mud: Alchemy and Analytical Psychology to engage with change in social and work organizations. Paper presented at the Organization Studies Summer Workshop, Mykonos, May 2016.

‘There’s something hiding in the organizational closet…’: The importance of imagination in exploring the hidden. Invited presentation as a Management Group Research Seminar, University of Aberdeen, November 2013.

Challenging the ‘million zeros’: Imagination, tales and ethical reflection in business schools. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of Research in Jung and Analytical Psychology, Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies, Chicago IL, July 2013.

Accountable to Self: Moral challenges when the daimon calls. Paper presented at the European Business Ethics Network Research Conference, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, June 2012.

Community Events

Public seminars I have been invited to include the following presentations at the CG Jung Seminar Scotland Series:

The archetypal meaning of the Cat: Exploring the mystical and mysterious Feminine. Glasgow, June 2017.

The ‘body-psyche’ connection in perspective: A Jungian view on healing and yoga. Edinburgh, October 2016.

Ethics in a modern business-oriented society: A Jungian perspective. Edinburgh, April 2015.


In the past, I have also run several body-psyche themed workshops including:

Alchemical Yoga (workshop series, February-March 2017)

This series of three workshops combines alchemical exploration with a tailored yoga sequence to enhance self-knowledge and physical wellness. It follows the traditional alchemical process of transformation of the raw matter towards the gold, as each stage has a specific function and distinctive qualities.

Yoga and Archetypes (workshop series, April 2017)

This course combines a mindful yoga practice with intuitive self-work to help you unveil hidden potentialities and develop a better understanding of your personality. The practice of yoga is used as a foundation to access deeper psychological dynamics and integrate these insights into your everyday life.

Meditation workshop – Introducing Mindfulness (June 2017)

Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh wrote that being mindful means ‘we must be conscious of each breath, each movement, every thought and feeling, everything which has any relation to ourselves’. How can we find the time to be mindful in this way when our lives are ever busy and demanding? Come along to explore ways to make mindfulness less daunting.

Exploring Your Self and Nurturing Potential (workshop series, December 2016 – with Aleksandra Webb)

This series of three workshops combine creative practices in psychology, bodywork (yoga) and movement (improvisation and dance) to explore the deeper layers of personality, nurture creative potential and assert hidden talents.